Town of Newburgh
Historic Preservation
Forms and Applications
Certificate of Appropriateness Instructions
Certificate of Appropriateness Application
Historic District Maps
Historic Property Search
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Additional Information
Demolition by Neglect Ordinance adopted June 28, 2006
Preservation Guidelines as amended June 8, 2006
Historic Preservation Commission
Stacie Krieger, Council Liaison
Jeff Cox - Jim Renne - Brent Grafe - Troy Wells - Heather Cutrell
Sue Morrison, Advisory
The Historic Preservation Commission and Your Property
Recognizing that the protection of the Town's historic structures and places is central to the preservation of the very heart of Newburgh, in 1997 the Town Council created the Newburgh Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to implement the Indiana statutes relating to historic preservation and districts in the Town.
The HPC is an agency of government charged with the duty to protect and preserve the historical heritage of Newburgh by regulating the construction or destruction of buildings or sites in a historic district.
The Town Zoning Administrator is the staff member charged with the responsibility to determine whether you need a Certificate of Appropriateness (permit) for the work you propose to do.
The historic cupola sits atop old Town Hall, built in 1853 as Cumberland Presbyterian Church. This structure is listed on the National Register of Historic Places both individually as well as part of the downtown National Register Historic District.
The Newburgh Historic Preservation Commission was created in 1997. Its mission is to assist in the preservation and protection of historic or architecturally worthy buildings, structures, sites, monuments, streetscapes, squares, and neighborhoods of Historic Districts created by the Town Council under IC 36-7-11. The Commission is concerned with those elements of development, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and preservation that affect visual quality in established Historic Districts. The Newburgh Historic Preservation Commission serves the citizens of Newburgh both as a steward of the Historic Districts and as a resource for property owners. The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Town Council, a five-member non-voting Advisory Board, and an Administrator.
Additional Resources
National Preservation Resources
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
Phone: 301.663.1490
National Main Street Center
Phone: 202.673.4219
National Parks Service / Preservation Assistance Division
Phone: 202.343.9573
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Phone: 202.673.4296
State Preservation Organizations
Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology
Phone: 317.232.1646
Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana
Phone: 800.450.4535
Local Preservation Resources
Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana / Southwest Field Office
Phone: 812.423.2988
Historic Newburgh, Inc.
Phone: 812.853.2815
Town Hall Contact
Andrea Balboni - Facilities Coordinator
Phone: 812-518-1151